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Academic Coaching for ADD/ADHD    Gr 6-12


Does your child struggle with:

  • staying on track with assignments?

  • managing assignments and belongings?

  • time management?

  • planning ahead when working on longer projects?

  • focusing attention?



Academic coaching is support for students to develop strategies for organizing, managing time, focusing, and studying effectively.  These executive functions skills and strategies are important for all students, but are especially critical for students with ADD/ADHD.  Services are designed to help your child to become more effective, build confidence as a learner, and become a more successful student.   


  • setting priorities?

  • being on time and avoiding procrastination?

  • studying effectively for tests?

  • organization skills?

  • maintaining consistent grades despite effort?

The Academic Coach and the student work collaboratively to:


  • identify academic goals 

  • develop time mangement skills

  • improve organizational skills

  • develop a plan of action to meet goals

  • refine study skills

  • improve note-taking skills

  • identify obstacles to academic success

  • promote self-advocacy






Work smarter, not harder
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